The art work of Shelly Solomon

Shelly Solomon

Home / Essays / 2015


This is the first time I've ever participated in inktober, although its not the first time I learned about it, I first discovered it last year through Anthony Holden. I've always loved ink drawings and thought I'd give it a try with my zig nip set and synthetic brush, I used mostly the G nib and tried out the method Yuko Shimizu teaches in her skill share class.

I tried doing a ink wash for the girl

And demonstrating the different textures of the fur and scarf

I learned quite a bit doing this but the most important thing I think was to loosen up, I never realized how stiffly I did the pencils and lines. This is by no means very loose either but its much better then before, I had originally wanted to make a theme for inktober and I think I will starting next week. Hope everyone has a wonderful inktober.


Hi, I'm Shelly and I've been in love with art since I can remember, from animation to comics to singing. While I've always tried to learn I've always let other things get in the way, or felt intimidated by my lack of knowledge. But this year I want to really focus on my art and develop the talent to reach my goals. I want to try and update this journal every day to help motivate me to keep going, and I hope I can look back on this year and say I accomplished something! I'm going to challenge myself each month to tackle something I was intimidated by before and I hope you'll join me.