The art work of Shelly Solomon

Shelly Solomon

Home / Content / 2016 / January
  1. Day-6-Jellyfish-2016.png

  2. Black sea nettle Jellyfish

    Its called the black sea nettle but, some specimens are more purple than others.

  3. Rosey-De-Palma-1.png

  4. Red-head.png

  5. red-and-green-head.png

  6. little-blue.png

  7. Day 5 Lion mane Jellyfish

    One of the largest jellyfish in the world, and not very dangerous to humans. This photo is by Alexander Semenov, he has a project…

  8. Blue Spotted Jellyfish

    study of the blue spotted jellyfish refrence photo by Don Bullens:

  9. x Jellyfish

    The deadly box jellyfish chironex Ref:

  10. Day-1-jellyfish-2016-resized.png

  11. Sea-Dog.png